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Day: May 20, 2019

How to Run a Successful Bar

Whether you manage a pub or nightclub, the challenges of running a successful bar go far beyond just keeping customers’ glasses full. You need to ensure that you’re well stocked, serving tasty drinks, creating events to excite potential customers, and protecting yourself from any potential liabilities. While managing a bar may be difficult, we broke it down into 8 simple steps to help you make a profit from your bar business.

8 Steps to Run a Bar Successfully
Whether you own a bar and want to improve your profits or you’re considering starting a new bar, following these 8 steps to learn how to run a bar.

1. Keep Your Bar Stocked

Keeping your bar stocked goes far beyond just filling your back bar cooler or refrigerator with beer, liquor, and wine. You will want to track what drinks your customers are drinking and which types of alcohol you’re using …